lördag 26 februari 2011

The statistics of secularization in Europe

I resently saw a TV show that again proved why we must plant new churches in Europe. Europe is the most secular part of the world! In the TV show some interesting numbers where presented. There is several ways of seeing how secular a nation is. In a global research on peoples values they asked a question to people in basically every nation in the world. The question was: "How important is religion in your life?". If you look at how many people ticked of the poption which said "Religion is Very important in my life" the number is stunning.
In many countries in Africa 97% said it was very important. In Brazil 74% said it was very important. In USA it was 57%. But when you come over to Europe the numbers drop fast! In Poland 30% said that religion was very important. England and Germany had 20%. And in the very bottom we find Sweden with only 8% of the population that says that religion is very important in their life!

In Europe who is extremely secular Sweden is the worst of them all! The challenge is huge. The challenge may look overwhelming. But it is not impossible! We need to bring Jesus back to Europe. It was Swedish missionaries who started the revival in Brazil. Today it looks like Brazil needs to send missionaries to Sweden!

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