måndag 21 mars 2011

Building a core team within the launch team

Its exciting to see how people are gathering from all around to join up for our launch of the new church in Gothenburg. People from different ethnic groups, old friends, new friends and of corse those that just want to check it out and see whats going on. I know that the excitement of something new will not last. I know that some people will come excited and promise their commitment and loyalty to the vision and then after a while they will fade away or jump the ship because it wasn't what they expected. But even if I know that I don't want to exclude anyone. I believe that a church should believe in people and include rather than exclude. But the launching team is something special. its a very delicate time where the DNA, the vision, the dreams and values of the church are being shaped. Thats why I think its important to build a core team within the launch team. Who do you know has grasped whats in your heart. Who do you have that you know that does not have their own agenda. I like the three C's Bill Hybels use for looking for leadership. Character, Competence and Chemistry. But many times its seems that chemistry in the relationship is the most valuable and important component of building a core team. We will need competence for sure. Lots of churches has just build their teams on friendship. But the chemistry has to work! When I look for the chemistry in people I don't look for yea sayers. But rather what happens when you start to talk visions and dreams. Does it ignite energy in the room. Does it produce new ideas and creativity? Do I feel lifted up and motivated? Those people that makes that happen when they talk to me about building something great in Gothenburg, those are the ones I want in my core team.

I love what Chirs Hodges called his launch team when they started Church on Highlands. He called it his dream team. Not just because it was the best team, but because they gathered to dream about what kind of church they wanted to build. The two people that has influenced me more than anybody in the ARC is Chris Hodges and Dino Rizzo . Its that generosity that includes people that also attracts people. That extreme generosity that gives out all the time. Its like it builds an exclusiveness that makes people feel special by being very including and generous.

So in building a launching team its important to find the balance in building a core team but in the same time including everyone to dream and shape the church we want to build. Casting vision is not showing the people the road but including them on the journey!

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